Friday, January 7, 2011

Welcoming 2011

Happy New Year everyone!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, and has returned restful and ready for 2011 :)

I think this is our year guys, and we're going to take it by STORM!

I have to say, I think 2010 was one of the fastest years for me. It seriously just zoomed by.

Now, I love to make resolutions. I don't know why, because I never stick to them (except for one that I made last year -- which I won't tell you about until next Monday -- yes, I am just evil like that :D).

Despite the fact that I forget about them by mid January, I'm still hopeful, so I'm going to make some this year as well. I will keep them very short and sweet though.

2011 Resolutions:

1. Write more + Start querying
2. Become a better blogger
3. Start going regularly to the gym (3 years in a row people)

I think these are quite manageable (especially compared to the 6 I had last year).

I don't know if you noticed a very crucial one missing... but that's what you're waiting until Monday for :D

What were some of your resolutions or NON-resolutions for 2011? What are you excited for this year?


Stephanie Thornton said...

I never make resolutions because that means I've immediately doomed myself to failure!

Your goals look great. Good luck!

Krispy said...

Wow, your resolutions sound eerily like mine! Write, blog, exercise! Haha.

Good luck, and welcome back!

Melissa said...

Our goals are the same!!! Write, blog, exercise!! I LOVE IT!!!!

This year went by so fast for me too.

Happy New Year!

Theresa Milstein said...

I don't make resolutions so I'm not disappointed. But your goals sound manageable. I wish I exercised more. I want to finish my WIP, polish, and query it. Pretty similar to your goals!

Anonymous said...

I agree, 2010 did fly by!

My NYR's are similar. Write more and finish the book, exercise, keep up to date with ironing (?!?) keep the car clean and be more confident.

Wonder how I'll get on...

Good luck for next Monday - look forward to hearing about it :-)

Misha Gerrick said...

Hahaha I refuse to do resolutions, but my many guidelines have been posted on my blog.


Wendy Lu said...

These are some awesome goals! :) I'm sure you'll do a great job in accomplishing them.

Happy New Year's!


Tamara Narayan said...

Exercise more, blog less, and write, write, write. That's my goal. Plus keep up with other people's blogs.

Anonymous said...

all very good!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Revise and polish the sequel to my book!

Colene Murphy said...

Hurray! 2011 query buds!! Good luck on all your goals!

Melissa Gill said...

Looks like a good list to me. I typed mine up and hung them over my desk, so I'll have to follow through, or face it daily. Good luck on your resolutions/goals.

Southpaw said...

Good solid list. Mine is simple to. Mostly to get crackin'.

Kenda Turner said...

Write a little EACH day--and READ, READ, READ! Oh, and yes, exercise, too. Seems like a winning combination :-) Good luck to you!

Lindsay N. Currie said...

Awesome resolutions! I think reading and writing are at the top of my list, followed (by a long distance) by working out. LOL I have so many resolutions, the key is to prioritize them at this point! Thanks for stopping by my site, I'm glad to have visited yours:)

Anonymous said...

I need to find a good agent and a publisher. Those are my two biggies. Best wishes for your success in 2011!

Janet Johnson said...

Diet and querying. Those are my big ones. *Sigh* Both of which excite and stress me at the same time. :)

Saumya said...

I agree with Janet J. Diet and querying. Oh wait, and finishing my novel. Argh!