Monday, July 19, 2010


I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

I was at the doctor's office on Friday and I took my book along with me to read as I knew the wait was going to be over an hour (it was actually nearly two and a half!). I was near the end of the book, at quite an exciting part, but I just couldn't concentrate.


The receptionist had the radio on, and the speakers were right above my head. Depending on how loud it is or how distracting, I can tune out the world around me when I'm reading or writing, but a lot of the time I need complete silence to get into the zone--especially when writing.

I know quite a few people can read or write or study with music, or some sort of background noise, but I am definitely not one of them. Never have been. My muse likes to go partying when the beat hits, and leaves me stranded at the back wall, watching and waiting for my turn (or banging my head desperately against said wall).

Which type are you? Do you usually read or write with music or any sort of background sounds for inspiration or are you like me, and need the silence to hear yourself think?


Tabitha Bird said...

I used to need silence, but having children makes that a near impossibility. If I waited for quite I would never write again. I still prefer silence, but haven't learnt to write in all 'weather'.

JE said...

Wait...2 1/2 hours??? Urgh. I'm not that patient. I probably would've left.

As for the noise....I need silence. Reading, writing, what-have-you. I pretty much like silence all the time. ;-)


Erinn said...

It depends, I can only listen to music I don't like very much or music I've never heard before, this way I can't sing along.

Joanne said...

I need silence when I'm in the thick of writing. A little quiet music works during light edits, but that's about it.

Terri Tiffany said...

Silence is golden down here when I write:)

Tamara Narayan said...

Silence for creating, music for low-level editing. A two and a half hour wait! Stone the crows!

Stephanie Lorée said...

I mostly prefer absolute silence. Sometimes, espeically if I'm blocked, I'll put on music, but it has to be instrumental. Classical, jazz, Latin, Celtic... instruments only. If they add lyrics, the words mess with the words I'm trying to write. The style of music generally depends on the character/theme I'm writing about.

Scribbler to Scribe

Kenda Turner said...

I like the silence, I need silence, I desire silence--but around here it's sometimes hard to come by. So I'm learning to write with distractions in the background :-)

Jemi Fraser said...

I can write anywhere. I actually prefer some kind of background noise - either music or the tv. Maybe comes from being a teacher and preferring to have the kids working in groups and partners. Noise means work, silence means something is up!

Touch of Ink said...

I wish I could write to music. I've always envied those writers that mention "written to the music of X" in the acknowldegements.
Sadly, even if I play music, I get so caught up on the story I can't hear it, so what's the point?

Liza said...

I crave the quiet.

Lisa_Gibson said...

I can usually read just about anywhere with pretty much anything going on. Not too terribly loud though.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty flexible when it comes to both, though often times I like to blast music while the ideas are forming and then shut it off to write in silence.

WritingNut said...

Thanks for sharing everyone! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who needs utter silence, and to those of you who can listen to music AND write, I am in complete awe.

Anonymous said...

I used to be able to read with extremely loud rock music in the background, but now I cannot concentrate when there is any noise.

I find peace and quiet while reading or writing to be quite relaxing and comforting. I can think better now without any of the music seeping into my story at times and giving me the wrong vibe for the wrong time.

Interesting piece and write on!

Jackee said...

I'm a silence type too. Sometimes I can listen to instrumental only to stay awake, but if there are lyrics, I can't concentrate either.

And 2 1/2 hours really??!! I would have complained...

So glad I found your blog! :o)